Mabon- September 21 2016
The Autumn equinox has come. The equinox is the time when there is exactly the same amount of daylight and darkness in one 24 hour period. This equinox is a sign that Fall is upon us.  Witches celebrate the birth of the Earth Goddess' son Mabon. We also celebrate the harvest we have gathered during the summer months. We celebrate a time of balance in our lives.It is a time to reap what we have sown.

Mabon Altar: cranberries, pumpkins, horn of plenty

Modron the Earth Goddess:
Mabon: the son of Modron.
Mabon is also referred to as the green man.

Samhain: Means "The Third Harvest"  (The end of the summer)
 October 31 through November 1, 2016
The Witches New year!
Let's do this simple. It is a celebration of  the lives of those who have passed away. A night to celebrate the dead. Also a night of communicating with the spirits of our ancestors.  

Yule: Usually between 20 Dec and 23 Dec.
Also known as the winter solstice in the Northern Hem.
This is the time of the year when the day becomes slightly longer than the night, hence a rebirth of the sun. The newborn Oak
King is born signaling light and warmth to all the land.
Symbols of the season include the yule log, mistle toe, wreaths, golden candles and Christmas cactus

Celebrate the Seasons image