Waning Time

Immediately following the full moon, we enter into a time of the month so needed. That is a time to get rid of those things that have crept into our daily lives that are causing disruption, or are just useless. The time of the waning moon is the time for monthly spring cleaning, as well as working on yourself. Witches, take time for yourself!!

As the moon begins to shrink, we must turn out thoughts to those things we could do without. A habit, a relationship, negative thoughts about ourselves, negative energies, and the list goes on. Keeping in mind that the whole universe operates on a principle of balance. Simply put, your life needs some good as well as some bad in it, in order to function properly. We as witches do not strive for perfection. We strive to stay balanced. So, things that are tipping the scales to far in one direction need some consideration during this time and if we deem necessary they need to go.

That's where spell work comes in. The waning moon is the time for spell work that has to do with ridding yourself of unnecessary baggage. 

Look in your life's closet as the Goddess moves into her Crone state. What things in your life and path are getting old and  useless?

How about those things you've just let stay around because you just have not taken time to address them?

Think about the new things that could take their place and revitalize you. 

Remember this, it's up to you! We don't pray to the gods to take these things away. They have given us power to get rid of them. And that power is the magick  we do.

So look out in the night sky. Is the full moon past? Is the goddess not so bright? Move your thoughts to what needs to go, and be the better witch for it!